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We do things differently

When two quarrel rejoices the third ... and wins the second for himself. Or so can the current squabbling between Blizzard and Diablo fans describe. For quite some time, deep cracks throughout their relationship. The mature man of the house believes his wife with trendy Gedöhns (Online compulsion, more colorful look, auction house, et cetera) to impress. But his wife is all pretty Wurscht. She wants to just enjoy her old husband back, and with him a great time - just as before. Torchlight 2 An experienced man from a good family (Runic Games), who promises the Prospective Immelten the desires of the eyes yet as to: course a rival to the manageable single party of broken hack and slay the heart appears as on-demand. . reading And even though the competitor even more colorful and cartoon-like comes along than the old philanderer 'Diablo III', he has attracted the interest of fans. But are the promises of his rival out really to get to the first or second time involved with him?

If you must give the words of Max Schaefer, the former co-founder of Blizzard North (Diablo, Diablo II) and current CEO of Runic Games, faith, definitely.

Be equal to twice the sympathetic veteran during the hands-on session following sentence from the pile: We listen to what our fans. With us there is no coercion and no online auction house where you can buy items for real money is. Also, Torchlight 2 Lan Support offer for the co-op mode and give the fans from the beginning to the appropriate mod tools at hand with which they can create their own adventures. All this for the price of around twenty euros. Since you can not really complain about it, right?

It is hard to dismiss this line of reasoning as exaggerated bullshit. Finally, Blizzard has given a through ball with the recent announcements of 'Diablo III' the PR department of Runic Games, they only have to transform. What Schaefer's credibility also underlines the fact that Torchlight is one of the best genre representative.

Especially on the history Runic Games will have worked. We are excited to see what awaits us in this regard after the start screen.

Laurels on which the just four ten-member development team has not rested. Finally, even the highly acclaimed by the press as the first part had some construction sites.

More story, more playing time

Above all, the thin story that has been transported over a few measly text overlays and completely uninteresting, stereotyped heroes domiciled. When loud sequel to Max Schaefer of course everything will be different: The campaign of the second part will consist of three acts. Each of them corresponds to the total size of its predecessor. Torchlight II will be much more exciting and offer more narrative depth. Just a shame we got nothing from these good intentions at gamescom to face. Schaefer wanted us to confirm neither that Torchlight II is set to cut-scenes instead of boring texts, nor could really inspire us his timidly hinted summary of the story The sequel builds on the first part., The eponymous city was destroyed and the Game action moves accordingly. Torchlight II plays mostly on the continent Vilderan where the precious magic substance Ember makes life hell for the people again. Your task is to rid the country of this menace and stow precious loot here and there. Not exactly sound like a rousing plot, right? After all, the move has new scenes a big advantage: Torchlight II is much more diverse scenes ascend the rule of the caves is therefore a thing of the past instead uses Runic Games more on extensive and randomly generated outside areas In addition to dark forests, it is yet... give the obligatory ice and desert landscapes, over which way the developers have still slipped a day and night cycle, including dynamic water effects.


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Summer Winter Paint

Questions is not stupid, do not ask is stupid.

Most beginners think the soft paint breaks quickly, while it is exactly the opposite, hard Paint breaks faster because they are brittle and thus is brittle, soft is more like a rubber ball.

Summer Paint is made for temperatures between 10-30 degrees. Somewhere in between is the optimum temperature. It is colder it will be hard to say too brittle and eventually breaks up pretty fast.

That you can equate with summer tires. Below a certain temperature of the rubber is too hard.

Paint is made for winter temperatures between -10 and 10 degrees. Among them it is sometime too brittle. Is it warmer now, it is softer (see Bouncing Ball), and breaks from bad to worse. Draxxus Frostbite can indeed sometimes a little in your hand. At 25-30 degree they are really like little rubber balls and go broke.

That you can compare now with winter tires in the summer. The mixture is too soft.

And the paint is not absorbed almost be equated with Reballs, ie rubber bullets, or holding stones.

On the question of merging or not:

when one freezes Paint (see youtube), the shell is brittle and can no longer play. Even with top set markers. Paint is not so hard but brittle in cold weather.

Winter Paint is therefore structured differently, the shell keeps other temperatures. It is less brittle in cold weather, but is less brittle in the heat.

I still have two weeks before my Toro Ice played a total ne crate. Flight behavior was good, the paint also was not much worse than the DXS Basic I've played it. So you can still play, but I would first verballern, so am if it was not cooked in the car.

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The Warcraft Warcraft ago

Long before hordes of role players could roam the world of Warcraft as a lone fighter online, did Blizzard strategy games series Warcraft millions of fans. In the third and last time being part of the Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos will wipe out forever undead and their alien demon princes all life on Earth. Besides the classic strategy mode, there are a large number of custom maps. The best known, Defense of the Ancients (DotA), even has its own league. In addition, there are numerous other game modes that are by themselves prepared cards. Fans of the series strategy must continue to hold the third part of the rod. Because until the next game they will have to wait a long time. Due to the continued success of the role-playing game World of Warcraft the American developer Blizzard missing forge his own words the necessary staff resources.

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The moderation of comments rests solely with THE WORLD. In general: Critical comments and discussions are welcome, abuse / insults, however, are removed. How we moderate, we explain the terms of use.


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Sandra Brown

For the last time Lilly Martin takes a look at the cottage in the snowy mountains of North Carolina, before she makes her way home. She wants to leave the area before pulling open the ice storm breaks loose. Dutch Lilly's ex-husband has returned to Cleary, where he led the search for a missing girl leads as chief of police. Apart from a blue ribbon at the point where you have seen the girl for the last time, there is no evidence. Once again, the ride suddenly gets Lilly's car to slide. She strips a wanderer who suddenly appears out of the forest, where it collided with a tree. The weather can Lilly and the injured hiker Ben Tierney no choice: you have to look at a mountain lodge shelter from the blizzard. And now, the tension between Ben and Lilly, who had a torrid affair with each other last summer, back. But then Lilly is a blue ribbon and it creeps down her spine-tingling. Should hot when grabbing a novel by Sandra Brown, one should not expect tiefsch masterpiece. I read their stories still like to sprinkle of them to let me (still better than to see some trashy TV ^ ^). Sandra Brown's novels in the Kriminalf are always interwoven with cheesy love stories. The Kriminalf are exciting and applied to mitraten what I find very important in thrillers. So also in Eisnacht. I enjoyed reading the book, although there are better tats by Sandra Brown as the witness or white or Nachtglut.

I read the B by Sandra Brown always very happy times in between for recovery. (!) Fitted the mindless, asthmatic women and the diehard outdoorsman with the m chin and otherwise with very m attributes are driving more or less unwashed front of the crackling fireplace in a freezing house together - but beware level that potent hero, despite various injuries and Gehirnersch nat in his M never seems to be weakened, exactly this distinctive outdoorsman k well be the killer wanted woman. Oh. oh. oh - he must nat despite Fu and head disease, despite worse ribs bruises and wom yet despite Knochenbr always back out into the freezing cold wilderness to restore its reputation back, and in between he w with the asthmatic Lilly st front of the fireplace. Jessas! No, this time Sandra Brown could not cheer me. But as bad as unrealistic and in this book she has seldom written. The popular literature is itself f underground.

I found Eisnacht very exciting. Special Agent of the hard-boiled, very good. I lay with my Verd not once correctly. This publisher should look for a new urgent. My conclusion: The story is okay, but the writing style is very mittelm class = comment member>

Malu to Brown: Eisnacht class = date member>


Granted, the book had a very hard time, it was the first thriller I've read wonderful trilogy by Stieg Larsson.

But even without these difficult conditions I have been w disappointment of this novel. The Characteristic act cliché and the plot is very predictable. In places, it is grotesque v:

the bad emotionally troubled female lands with the man in a snowbound Bergh they f a h serienm

Nat is so irresistible that she has sex with him willingly erf ;-). This potent, simp intelligent, fragrant nature boy she wrestles a promise from her poor ex but please do not hurt. This promise he nat l edelm as a hero even when the villain has him shot and beaten almost to a pulp - absolutely hair strands class = comment>

Antje to Brown: Eisnacht class = date>


I'm always on the lookout for Winter Mystery - so I mcih full of anticipation for Eisnacht confess Granted, l just read the book so down. Dar also has forced me the coarse language of the protagonists rather confess I'm not sensitive - but here w less was more. Conclusion: Can you read - but do not have to!

This thriller by Sandra Brown has captivated me immediately!

By realit spelling I was right after the first few lines of the action. However, I have read the book in January, as is day outside was freezing cold and snowing. Many a times I had the Gef the K described the snow and the storm? Sp />

The story is divided into different Handlungsstr. The experience of one Snowed in H M with the alleged actions of the police and FBI hand in hand, as well as life in Cleary was described very graphically and always alternated. Sometimes in sections, sometimes chapter by chapter.

Tierney? Kr and M is described as a muscular man w you, Lilly Martin, the ex-wife of? Chief when? Small quick vulnerable woman imagines.

While I always like w in action just read? Remained still jumping between the different Handlungsstr has greatly contributed to the excitement!

The ending was perfect and the various elements of power, love and eroticism have I loved it! I witnessed the events properly.

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Countdown to Campus Party

Hundreds of young people and their computers have been installed in the Fair of Valencia, where it will produce the traditional midnight on the eleventh which starts the Campus Party , which until Sunday will bring together more than 6,000 people and provide a speed 5 gig to surf the internet.

Young people from all over Spain were queuing waiting to enter the fairgrounds, which for the third year hosting this meeting of new technologies, creativity and digital entertainment, which can navigate a connection speed higher than 1.3 gigabytes the last edition.

The City of Arts and Sciences, which hosted the first edition of Campus Party, will host the concert Video Games Live , which will sound the soundtracks of the most famous games in history as 'Mario Bros' , 'Final Fantasy' or 'World of Warcraft'.

This concert will give way to the power of computers, unlike other years, when they have been figures like astronaut Neil Armstrong or scientist Stephen Hawking who inaugurated the event, as responsible explicóel Playground, David Jané.

Conferences, interviews and interactive exhibits fill this week's activities, which many expect to finish "500 films" , as Sergio, an Asturian of 19 who looked "evil" that the girls were the minority among hundreds of young people who came to Fair Valencia pushing shopping carts, bags and even chairs with wheels.

Lighter luggage arrived David and two friends from Barcelona, ​​who left his home PC because "unless you are going to play much not worth it", and loaded with laptops and remote control helicopters with which play.

Not only 'geeks'
For the graphic designer of 21 years, the stereotype of 'geek' with which it is linked to the computer "is based, because some are the spitting image, but in general are very normal people", which mostly comes to Campus Party "to reconnect with friends and to put a face to the people you meet online. "

Also undertake the journey to "experience and learn things robotic" as Paul, a 28-year Santander encouraged the drumbeat wait while one of his friends waving a flag of Cantabria.

The 'buffs' also pertrechan of shields in which wear the name of their clan -groups of friends involved in the encounter-such as 'Scramble Pilots', which combines six Valencia who have gotten into the luggage a 32 inches and several consoles.

For one of them, David, 20, the change of venue of the Campus Party has been positive since Feria Valencia "is more spacious and more comfortable" , although the City of Arts and Sciences "is prettier" , and once there "was cool seeing Hemisfèric breakfast."

The head of Games, David Jané, also believes that this issue is "more complete", where competitions are scheduled 18 games on four platforms: PC, PlayStation, Nintendo and for the first time, mobile phones.

A games are added seven other content areas, among which are astronomy , with programs such as digital Planispheres; CampusBot , in which a Korean teacher will present one of the most advanced humanoid robot in the world, Albert Hubo, or CampusCrea , which to display the I / O Brush, a tool to exploit colors and textures through movement.



China, the factory of social games buy rs 3 gold

It is not uncommon to hear stories of Chinese netizens who program your alarm clock to grow your harvest virtual with the first rays of sun, as with some of the players of the popular 'Happy Farm' , which caused a sensation on Facebook. Now, the country most Internet users worldwide is also a creative power games 'online', especially those that allow players to interact with each other.

This market is experiencing a veritable explosion. Within months, the number of Chinese developers rose from 3500-11000 , according to a study of the major social networks in the country made runescape 3 gold ​​under the last Chinese Summit on such applications. The event, whose last edition was held in Beijing in early April, has welcomed the debate on the challenges related to its expansion. It has involved both the creators and the representatives of the major social networks as a platform for games, and often, in the case of China, they take half the profits.

The title 'Happy Farm', the company's Five Minutes, based in Shanghai, illustrates perfectly the boom experienced by the sector. Five Minutes Origins date back four years ago when it was founded by former college classmates. Most of the new projects coming to the market often, in fact, relatively small, made ​​by classmates or companies that only exceed the ten workers and do not have long on the market.

The proposal of this game is simple, but has caused a real fever among millions of users. One has to cultivate a farm and after the harvest to sell at the market , and to gain money and experience. The reason we must look to its success in nostalgia among Chinese urbanites for life in the field. But speculation aside, Happy Farm is primarily a social game, in which the 'farmers' exchange products and steal crops.

China is one of the pioneers in the social gaming market , even before others like USA, says Ludovic Bodin, one of the founders of Cmune , a company based in Beijing and with most of its staff from China. "One of the reasons why we founded the company here is because it is a country with great experience in games where virtual goods are traded, like other Asian countries, like Korea."

Social games developed in China often consist of small transactions between players , which are exchanged products as in 'Happy Farm'. In the case of 'Paradise Paintball' , the big bet Cmune three-dimensional, netizens are waging a battle of paintballs and, if they wish, they can buy better weapons. "How do you convince a player that this is free and this one costs money? China and Korea have great experience in it," explains Ludovic. With 'Paradise Paintball', this company tries to fill the gap between massive multiplayer games like 'World of Warcraft', and those most basic that you can enjoy for free.

Other famous titles are born in China 'PetSociety' , of PlayFish , which is raising a pet, and 'Hotel City' , where the goal is to manage a hotel, also from the same company. The first has up to 20 million monthly active users. The theme of social games is varied. From managing your own fashion boutique, as in 'Mall World', cheap rs 3 gold the Hong Kong-Six Waves, to care for an aquarium.

Expansion? Safe?

It is difficult to find a website of a Chinese developer announced that trumpeted: 'hired!'. Future expectations are high, but there are dangers in sight.

The phenomenon of the popular 'Happy Farm', about which there is a second version-of Sino-time, serves as an example to explain the risks of this industry. Launched a couple of years and the spectacular reception, the network is filled with clones . It has even been copied in the U.S., where the company Zynga brought to market a similar title, 'FarmVille' , with such success that is the source of much of the company's revenue. The same happened with pet raising games, popular in Asia for some time, and now provide great benefits to large American companies such as Zynga and CrowdStar, parents 'PetVille' and 'Happy Pets' , respectively.

Indeed, one of the main risks for this industry in the future is the lack of creativity , which causes them to proliferate similar games, says Cecilia Shen, head of business strategy AppLeap, organizer of the Chinese social gaming summit. In his view, "one of the challenges is to find barriers to protect against copying."


Activision and Blizzard founded a giant 13,000 million euros

Activision and Blizzard, two of the 'heavyweights' of the game industry have announced their merger. world of warcraft gold The new company, called Activision Blizzard , will have to his credit films like 'Call of Duty' and 'World of Warcraft', among cheap wow gold us other historical.

"The most beneficial business of video games in the world" will be worth about 18,800 million dollars , about 13,000 million euros, according to the agreement. In addition, Blizzard will seek funding to provide 2,000 million dollars, while Activision will do the same with 1,000 million, as announced by the BBC.

The new executive director will be the current giant Activision, Bobby Kotick. The group Vivendi , owner of Blizzard, will be the largest shareholder of the giant.

To conceive the importance of this agreement, you must keep in mind that Blizzard eg monthly subscription type of nine million World of Warcraft players who each pay more than 10 euros each.

In addition, the two companies have other best sellers like Tony Hawk series, StarCraft and Guitar Hero .

Jean-Bernard Levy , CEO of Vivendi stated that this alliance is "a major strategic step for Vivendi and an illustration of how expanding its presence in the entertainment industry."

Two major complementary
Both firms expect the union multiply their strength in the world of video games. Blizzard is strong throughout the world, but in Asia known for the excessive interest in your offer 'online', including Starcraft (1998) and the Network competition in Millions of South Koreans play it a decade later in cafes, and there are professionals to compete in tournaments very well paid.

Activision meanwhile produces video games for all next-generation consoles, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Wii. This company has survived all the turmoil since its inception in 1979 , making it one of the few who have not broken since then or has been acquired by a 'bigger fish'.

However, Blizzard, despite its recognized success, passed through many hands before being bought by Vivendi in 1998.

First look at World of Warcraft movie

Madness invades Azeroth with the stir caused by his war leader Garrosh Hellscream and the patch 5.4 of World of Warcraft will find that is what this story obedient nature orc warrior. Furthermore we advance you who will be the new chief war ... Are you going to lose?

As you know in patch 5.4 Blizzard has been active in the test realm for World of Warcraft since last July 19 and that means that many players have been able to test all the new features it brings, but not all. Among these include the new event area called "The timeless island", a top-level PvE in which all events happen for timeless coins and then exchange them for equipment for your character or fight world bosses. A new mission that will boost legendary characters with a new layer to deal with the dreaded Ordos and Garrosh Hellscream. A testing ground where you can train your feature class that challenges you face in solo multitude of tests and even a hard mode called "endless". A new band for 10 and 25 players called The Siege of Orgrimmar which is divided into three new wings and 14 tough bosses led by Garrosh. From the Valley of Eternal Flower into the bowels of Ragefire Chasm will fight to restore order in Orgrimmar. And new in World of Warcraft in patch 5.4 the model flexible band made his appearance. This is a way that no matter how many players toméis the challenge of ending one of the terrible bands as this is auto adjusted difficulty as your group. This requires a group of 10 to 25 people any role regardless. It also has a difficulty straddling the Raid Finder and Normal difficulty.

But that's not all. Eager to know what will happen in the history of World of Warcraft now that we are, in theory, about to defeat the leader of the Horde, responsible Ghostcrawler and Marco Koegler in an interview granted to Korea media have solved the riddle of who will be the new warchief. This will be proclaimed in patch 5.5 .. and so far they said. Rumors suggest that Vol'jin, a novel that has received relatively recently, could be the new chief of war, but this is conjecture only amateur to World of Warcraft.


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We are encouraging users to take full advantage of both games. We have created one of heroes and other villains, thinking it would be much more fun to weave a web of good and bad without fut 13 coins for sale thereby had to pay double. "New update for Pro Cycling Manager 2005Friendware has announced the availability of a new patch for Pro Cycling Manager 2005.

This is the version 1.4r, and updating is essential to play online.Este new patch contains all the fixes and improvements from other previous patches, and its innovations include mode "Custom Tour" which allows creating around as using the stages of the game, the 5 stages of the Tour of Valencia; season so feasible in LAN or Internet; 4 new stages (GP Lombardy, arrow, Italy 7 and Italy 11) AI improvements and bug fixes and gameplay visualización.Tras install the patch is recommended to restart the race to take full advantage of the fixes and new mejoras.

Para download the patch click the enlace.ATI next renews its range of cards related RadeonImágenes (1) After a delay of a few months due to technical problems, ATI has announced the launch of its new range of Radeon graphics cards based on its new architecture graphical 3D fica. This is the new Radeon X1000 series, and its main characteristics is both support for Shader Model 3.0 in DirectX 9, as support for the new AVIVO technology designed to improve video quality and provide hardware decoding for high definición.ATI video has designed three models of its new series cards Radeon. The Radeon X1800, X1600 and X1300, all with the same video capabilities and support for Shader Model 3.0 of DirectX 9 3D performance but different depending on model.

During this month, will be launched the Radeon X1800 XL 256MB in the United States at a price of $ 450, to be followed by the Radeon X1800 XT, which costs between 500 and $ 550, the Radeon X1600 for an estimated price of cheap runescape gold $ 250, and finally the X1300 to be around 150 dólares.Policías, criminals and magic negraMindware Studios has unveiled the latest game in which you are n working and developed simultaneously for PC and Xbox 360. His name is "Voodoo Nights", an action title-style thriller in which you control two cops, Jack and Samuel, in his bitter confrontation with a criminal gang that besides Conventional methods for their misdeeds, used voodoo as an more.The game is based on cooperation

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The process is simple and, once completed, the player receives an email with a download link and activation key juego.Podrá subscribe and continue discovering the game very facilidad.Primeros details Savage 2: A Tortured SoulFinalmente S2 Games has officially "Savage 2: A Tortured Soul", the sequel to that game action role that apareción in 2003 and although attracted much attention, failed to take off the todo.Savage 2 is being developed by the same team that spawned the creature, and is obviously have had very clear points that should improve to elevate Savage 2 to the top. A refined combat system, better animations, dramatic lighting effects and particles, multiple views of play, the ability to control up to 20 units simultaneously during the game and, ultimately, a fantastic atmosphere breathtaking display.

"Our goal at S2 Games has always been to create the most competent PC game and fun that we can achieve that kind of game you never get tired of playing," said Marc DeForest, co-founder and chief designer of S2 Games. "Savage was our debut in the gaming market, and we are very pleased to continue to provide a much bigger game and complete as is Savage 2." Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport reaches its expected GoldEl version you title of first-person military action Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport has reached Gold version and enter production to reach British stores on September 23. "With Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport in the world we are introducing a new class of games first-person action, including the innovative betting system that brings a fresh perspective to the genre


Fecha 4The confirmed the departure on sale

Fecha 4The confirmed the departure on sale for the highly anticipated Quake 4, namely hit stores European PC version later this fall, Raven confirmed seguna Software.Quake 4 is the fourth installment of the popular series of Id Software, but this time is being developed by Raven, the author team titles like Hexen, Heretic or Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy between otros.

Tres new special Logitech peripherals jugadoresLogitech has revealed three new peripherals belonging to the series G and intended to provide a unique gaming experience. We talked about two new mice, the Logitech G5 and G7, and the new keyboard G15.El Laser Mouse Logitech G5 Laser Mouse is a versatile system that includes an adjustable weight customization to suit different surfaces . It has a resolution of 2000 DPI and has a suggested retail price of 69.99 Logitech G7 Laser Cordless dollars.The is also a wireless laser mouse and a very light weight, thanks mainly to the use of a very slight change rechargeable batteries which can be done in seconds. Its resolution is 2000 DPI and also its recommended price is around 99.99 dollars.The Logitech G15 keyboard includes 18 programmable keys with three sets, which makes a total of 54 possible combinations.

It also includes a small LCD display that can be programmed to display information about the game or the status of other programs, such as the receipt of an email. The G15 is also a backlit keyboard and offers the ability to bypass the Windows key. Hit stores in October and is priced dólares.Vivendi acquires 79.99 will license the saga BourneVivendi Universal Games has signed an agreement with the writer Robert Ludlum to develop and publish video games based on his books. Ludlum is the author of best-selling spy as Bourne saga, which has spawned two blockbuster movies such as The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Myth. The deal, the financial terms are unknown, Vivendi granted the rights to develop on all platforms, games based on novels of the writer and their adaptations to cine.Nuevo v1.02 patch for Sid Meier's Pirates! Atari has released a new patch for Sid Meier's Pirates! solving a total of 23 small errors that occurred during the game. This is version 1.02, which can be downloaded from the following enlace.Quake 4 multiplayer will be visible at the show QuakeConLa tenth edition of QuakeCon to be held

The official announcement to happen later this month

Conference of last week.The official announcement to happen later this month, in an event that Apple will offer to present its various developments for the next meses.La same source also says that Google is designing its own control led to their respective video games dispositivos.Más news: AppleEl new leadership of the next Xbox will not differ much from actualDistintas sources from the video game industry have advanced the American website Kotaku that the handle or pad of the Xbox 360 successor will be virtually identical to the present, with no aparente.Todo change what we see today on a Xbox 360 controller would remain in the new model to accompany the console, ie same buttons, position and shape of the pad, although its size would be slightly more pequeño.

Los controls that would accompanying various development kits have already most programming studies would be "decorated" with unique stripes to prevent leaks. With this, Microsoft would avoid what happened to Sony, that the command of the new PlayStation 4 leaked days before its official launch, not knowing what was the culpable.Más study news: Xbox Infinity, MicrosoftGears of War: Judgment receives a major update and DLC gratuitoGears of War: JudgmentPeople Can Fly and Epic Games have ready as a buy rs gp series of content that will add to the supply of Gears of War: Judgment and completely free. The first is a DLC, sponsored by a popular magazine, which joins the Haven map with returning Ejecución.

Los mode recently nuanced makers themselves will need to download it directly from the Xbox Live Marketplace, since their sum to the queue from the Buy RS Gold game interface does not work properly. What they have corrected are a lot of features that you can read below, which belong to a new patch: · Several improvements dedicated servers. · Players will no longer get stuck in the bottom of the main menu after playing three games to random. · The locust longer respawn arise in the second hole of the Emergency in the first wave of the island. · Players will no longer become stuck inside a Shield Boom that has been planted by an enemy player. · Players can no longer look through the crosshairs of Markza while holding a shield. · If a Locust destroy one target at a time is just overrun time using the rules of mercy, the party will not end before time. · Fix for the exclamations that do not disappear after a character unlocked. · While holding a shield just have to press the B button to melee. · The shield now be released if you change to rejection. · The medal "Spray and Pray" is available now in the first round.


majority of PC users have echoed my feelings

Since then, the vast majority of PC users have echoed my feelings, calling the game with 4 stars, and praising its original soundtrack and its fascinating atmosphere. The availability of high definition 1080p graphics still brand new in every scene more so convinced me that it was missing a PlayStation 3 edition, "said Yan Marchal, CEO of Sanuk Games."

In the game you will make the time of James Voodoo as he investigates the mysterious attacks plaguing the abandoned hamlet of Ravenhill, the wealthy city of Richtown, and a variety of stunning scenery inspired major fictional genres: adventure, black film, thriller, steam punk and many more! "" With 50 scenes to investigate, many puzzles, number of hidden objects to find, and a captivating story told through cutscenes and professional voices, Voodoo Chronicles: The First Sign will make you embark on an adventure you will not want to interrupt. The edition for PlayStation 3 supports both the wireless controller and the PlayStation Move DualShock.

It also allows two players to play collaboratively: a possibility that you can not have on a PC or a tablet! "Aseguró.Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon bet futuristaSiendo a retro atmosphere as was yesterday the day than whites individuals spend their pranks, it was easy to think that the announcement of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon it was just a joke, but what seemed a simple hoax recently increasingly is becoming more and more fuerza.Y is that this expansion of the successful Far Cry 3, in principle unique to the digital market, bet a retro futuristic atmosphere totally different from what we are accustomed to this popular series of action games in person. This is reflected in the title buying runescape gold of the game, the mysterious official website Ubisoft has opened, or the brief teaser trailer released for ocasión.Presentado like a 80s film is involved with including director interview, this expansion ambientará in "2007 in the future" in a time when the earth has been devastated by a nuclear holocaust.

On this website, packed with retro references to classic cinema of the time, also included small jokes as type option Konami code to convert the pointer mouse in a spotlight with which to shoot certain page elements, discovering a mysterious animado.En gif cheapest wow gold video game there is also a moment that can be seen in-game capture program with a fully aesthetic futurista.Ubisoft has not made an official announcement regarding this mysterious Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, so we still do not know the specifics related news programa.Más: Far Cry 3, Ubisoft, expand the argument Remastered DLCDuckTales title

    Search keyword:


We are investigating about their specifications and other at this time

We are investigating about their specifications and other at this time. "More news from: Grasshopper, Killer is DeadCompany of Heroes 2 details their incentives 2Sega reservarloCompany of Heroes has announced the incentives that reward players who book the promising Company of Heroes 2 PC, which will be released in the market on 25 junio.Entre these advantages include launching a war minicampaña known as Theatre of War, to be released after the game's release allowing us to enjoy a series adicionales.Quienes battles reserve the game will also have access to two new commanders with whom they can customize their armies. "

The German side will receive the Joint Operations Doctrine, which specializes in precision artillery attacks, and the Doctrine of Offensive forefront Players who want to use heavy artillery and air strikes to crush his opponents sell wow gold "have confirmed from Sega.Los Soviets, however, have access to the" devastating Doctrine of Anti-Infantry Tactics, which allows control of units such as tanks flamethrowers, Tactics and Doctrine Recruitment support that allows get reinforcements quickly in the heat of battle. 'More News: Company of Heroes 2, SEGAMinecraft reaches 10 million games sold on PC and announced MacMinecraftMojang the fantastic Minecraft has reached the 10 million barrier in its version games for PC and Mac, to which we add the more than 6 million digital copies have been sold so far on Xbox Live Current Arcade.El Game Director Jens Bergensten, has taken the opportunity to remind you that your development team is currently working on the 1.06 update of the game compatible with new features that include the universe Minecraft.

MinecraftFarming Simulator 2013 coming to PS3 and Xbox 360 in septiembreFarming 2013GIANTS Simulator Software has announced that its popular Farming Simulator 2013, released earlier this year on PC, also be released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 the first week of September. This simulator is notable for the great realism that has reached when representing the daily work in a large plantation agriculture and livestock, forcing us to manage the growing and harvesting head of food, animal husbandry, or the management of vehicles and tools of our employees. Apparently , this version of the game will feature some additional content compared to that seen in the original version of PC.Más news: Farming Simulator 2013Remember I specifically their minimum and recommended requirements for your version of Melos compatiblesRemember Entertainment Dontnod guys are preparing a intellectual properties that will debut this year seems more promising, Remember Me, and at the approach


Arkham hit Japan for Xbox 360

Microsoft explains the lack of backward compatibility on Xbox One: "If you are backward, you really retro".One of the latest Xbox One was that the console of Microsoft lack of backward compatibility, which will mean that the platform will not support Xbox 360 titles. Don Mattrick, one of the key executives of the Redmond, explained the absence. "We've created something that truly understands how to deliver on all settings and in all combinations.

If you are backward, you really retro," said the executive, who said that "only a small percentage" of users end up using it. More and more companies choose to conduct cutting measures digital distribution to make available their old titles on their new consoles. It appears from the fiscal point of view is not a highly recommended decision, since such was backwards compatible with PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 until its third year reached market saturation 80-90%, and thereafter it was decided to remove the emulación.Más hardware news: Xbox One, Microsoft

A compilation of the two installments of Batman: Arkham hit Japan for Xbox 360
Related Images (1) Warner Bros wants to jump right into the Japanese market at the end of this generation relaunching the two Batman: Arkham on a compilation. Post funny thing is that this product has only been confirmed for Japan and the Xbox 360 version, a platform that does not sell anything right in this territorio.Bajo the name Batman: Arkham Twin pack is included in the same package Batman games : Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City, a good snack for departure this fall of Batman: Arkham Origins.

The split screen multiplayer games and single player games

The split screen multiplayer games and single player games offline against the computer have a place in our game. PlayStation 3 players can play against players of PlayStation Vita and will automatically save files in sync on both systems if you're using the same PSN account. "Sonic Lost World Revealed for Wii U and 3DS. Was presented at E3 This añoSatoru Iwata announced Sonic Lost World, a new adventure game exclusively for Wii U and 3DS starring the most characteristic of SEGA mascot. This title, which was his first known details at E3, will mark the beginning of a "global partnership" between SEGA and Nintendo itself for known releases hedgehog. "We are very pleased with this new partnership with SEGA to bring new games in the franchise Sonic the Hedgehog for Nintendo consoles," said Laurent Fischer, director marketing manager and PR, Nintendo of Europe. "We hope the fans are excited both of us with the new details to be revealed at E3 nearby dates".

More news from: Sonic Lost Worlds, Wii U, survival horror 3DSEl 3DS, The Starship Damrey, is a game "retro and difficult" The 3DS video game designed exclusively to the eShop, The Starship Damrey is the project of Level-5 recently announced that we would come to Europe with a price of 7.99 euro yesterday: 16 mayo.Ahora its leaders have deliberately ensured that the game has that "retro" as a manifesto of what it offers because he wants to roll back to a past in which "the games do not offer much to so go ahead, and could bog very beginning. That's the kind of experience you should expect from this project ". More news from: The Starship Damrey, eShop, 3DSGears of War: Judgment will in June with a new DLC: Lost RelicsGears of War: JudgmentLos official Epic Games forums have members several posts in which study has begun to break down a new multiplayer downloadable content for Gears of War: Judgment will be available in June.The added package Breakthrough game mode, which is described as a "way of individual goals including two teams of very different roles, one with possession of a flag to be surrendered in a specific location, and one instead has a defensive role and limited resources.

The attacking team must break the enemy's defensive lines and deliver the flag before your round of lives run out. "Besides this mode will also bring four maps. Checkout, which returns, but also Lost City, Ward and Museum that debutan.Más News: Gears of War Judgment, DLCAngry Birds Seasons receives a free update that adds new portals and 36 nivelesSi're enjoying Angry Birds Seasons are in luck.


Blizzard has detailed the contents of the next update of the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft.

Blizzard has detailed the contents of the next update of the popular MMORPG World of Warcraft.

Version 5.3, titled Rise, adds four new feats (Blood in the Snow, Dark Heart of Pandaria, The Secrets of Ragefire Chasm and Battle on the High Seas) and the new difficulty mode for these four heroic deeds and the two previously available and (Crypt of Forgotten Kings and Beers and Thunder). According to the American company, to access this new mode need "an object of level 480 and a few experienced friends".

In Blizzard's official blog have more information about the new content , as well as detailed information about the patch 5.3 .

Not yet finalized the date for the publication of the new version, but is expected to be available over the coming weeks.

Blizzard has launched a promotion of World of Warcraft with discounts up to 70% when you buy the game and its various expansions.

El World of Warcraft: Battle Chest (con el juego base y las expansiones Burning Crusade y Wrath of the Lich King) está rebajado a tan sólo cinco euros, y las otras dos expansiones, Cataclysm y Mists of Pandaria, cuestan ocho y dieciocho euros respectivamente. Los descuentos serán válidos hasta el 25 de febrero.

Esta oferta se realiza como anticipo para la llegada del parche 5.2, The Thunder King, el cual estará disponible a finales de este mismo mes.

Blizzard has confirmed that World of Warcraft will eventually include stores within the game where you make microtransactions. Bringing to the news has been your community manager, who has said that the project is still in "preliminary stages of exploration" and that "the benefits of an in-game store are quite clear." Bashiok (Blizzard CM alias ) is sure that "everyone will appreciate the convenience of shopping without having to leave the game, and that is ultimately our long-term goal, even if it means working for the adaptation of existing elements in the new system. "

Bashiok has said it will begin testing in the regions of Asia with "new types of articles based on the opinions of the players "as items to help make a balanced character and a way of acquiring the Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. There will also be pet store, frames and more. TBC is how the system.


Son of North than in extremis your crowdfunding campaign

Capcom has confirmed that the expected Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies Nintendo 3DS will be released in the Japanese market on July 25. Earlier, Japanese users have the opportunity to try the title thanks to the demo version to be published in the eShop in the next semanas.Aún without specific release date for Europe, the program will open in the old continent in the autumn of this year exclusively on news digital.Más format: Ace Attorney 5

Son of NorA last minute. It has been like Still Alive boys have successfully overcome crowdfunding campaign Son of Nor, a cooperative action adventure set in a desert world will change dynamically with the player's actions. "Thank you all for this wonderful gift. We did it! We did it! And all have made this possible! You are awesome! Thank you very much ", have enthusiastically declared the project managers. From this point, the team will promote this game Still Alive PC, Linux and Mac via Steam Greenlight platform, where they hope to obtain also the support of the players.

Tribute Games acquired the license to develop games on the Wii U and 3DS
Currently involved in the development of Mercenary Kings for PC, independent team Tribute Games has confirmed that have been made with the license to develop games on the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.Este study consists of former members of Ubisoft, that after having passed successful crowdfunding campaign conducted to develop Mercenary Kings, could adapt this two-dimensional action game either Nintendo platforms. Still, nothing has been done about the future plans of the study.

Microsoft, speaking through a spokesman, has talked to the British media in few words collected by Official Xbox Magazine UK Magacine in which he talked about the target audience it is intended to Xbox One, and stating that they have an advantage over the other consoles in their single component. "I think, coming out of this generation being the market leader worldwide and really differentiating in areas such as on-line component of the community, third-parties have shown themselves eager to collaborate with us, and I think we will see between 21 and what we do at E3, I think you will see things very special and unique, "said Phil Spencer. "We believe that if what you want is to play, in the end you'll end up choosing us." The hard core hardcore will buy everything. They will buy all devices ", he added." But most people just buy a device, and if you think about what a device is on balance, we believe that an all-in- one where you can enjoy the best games, and television and entertainment will be something that will be truly unique offer. "" And some of the things we're doing with the architecture in terms of how quickly those experiences end up being, like to do more than one thing at a time, going to be something I think we differ greatly, "said Spencer." We are a very ambitious and creative, you always want to improve, so if you think about what Xbox 360 when it was launched in 2005 and it is today, it is night and day compared to the point from which we started. We will continue to innovate, continue to add new experiences and making things better every year. "More news from: Xbox One, Microsoft

Watchdogs Australian and German very critical with Kinect they call "watchdog"
Kinect - Xbox OneSigue controversy kicking around Kinect and Kinect need to be always on and capturing sound and image in order to recognize when booting Xbox One These features have raised furious comments Watchdogs various Australian and German . "New Xbox Microsoft meets the definition of a surveillance device under the laws of Australia, so you have to be frank and tell customers if someone else can intercept the information and remote access to devices", said Tim Vines, director of Civil Liberties Australia. "People should be able to turn off the camera or microphone, but limit the functionality of the machine," he added. "If Microsoft does not allow that, then people should vote with their wallets and not done with the next Xbox." Commissioner Berlin Data Protection, Peter Schaar, has declared the MSN news portal in similar terms. "The Xbox One continuously records all kinds of personal information about me. My reaction rate, my learning or emotional states. Below are processed on an external server, and can even be transmitted to third parties, Schaar said." The fact that Microsoft can spy My living room is more than a twisted nightmare. "Recall that yesterday we collected a statement of a member of Microsoft's own in which he claimed that there would be violation of privacy as possible with the device, and which recalled its commitment to safety and protection of datos.Más news: One Xbox, Kinect, Microsoft

Destiny leaves open the door to release in PC

Motorola loses again the patent violation lawsuit against Xbox 360
In March of this year and the International Trade Commission ruled in favor of Microsoft in the trial held against Motorola, a subsidiary of Google, which had accused them of violating a patent related to the use of wireless technology in Xbox 360 and its controls. And again this international organization has returned to give the reason for the Redmond, reaffirming that Microsoft did not infringe any of the patents of Motorola. "This is a victory for the Xbox and confirms our position that Google had no basis some to block our products, "have secured from the law firm of Microsoft, in clear reference to the legal maneuver conducted by Google to block the sale of Xbox 360 on the market europeo.Desde Google, on the other hand, have shown "disappointed with this decision," and say they are "evaluating" their opciones.Más news: Xbox 360, Microsoft

The Xbox 720 name was "never considered" by Microsoft
For many months the press and gaming community have been referring to the successor of Xbox 360 and Xbox 720, a name that "has never been considered" by the very Microsoft.Major Nelson explained to Yahoo who chose Xbox One because it is a device that brings all the entertainment: "We decided the name of Xbox One because it is a device that has all the entertainment in one system. Regarding Xbox 720, that was the name that put the community. We we never consider that name. "Xbox One was launched last news mayo.Más 21: Xbox One

DestinyBungie still has not decided whether its ambitious Destiny also debuting PC end, or remain only in consoles current and next generation of Sony and Microsoft. "We have not said yes, but not that," said the head of Bungie community in American Notebook IGN. "The more platforms assume more work will involve, and we do not want is to compromise the central experience on any platform." "We have a lot of people playing on PC. We have great appetite for building the experience.'ve Not yet announced" Eric Osborne continues, "but we're looking at and talking about these matters in the future."

Namco Bandai time discards the existence of Tales of Symphonia HD

OneCon each generation Xbox console has been growing video game market so much that they end up selling millions of units over hardware pasadas.Microsoft generations, coming from Yusuf Mehdi, vice president of interactive business of the firm, believes may for the next generation consoles installed base globally to reach 1,000 million units. "With each generation, as you could see, the installed base has grown by 30%. So this generation is about 300 million consoles [between all current platforms]. Most industry experts believe that the next generation will go to more than 400 million, "he told the Official Xbox Magazine in United Unido.Cree One both Xbox and PlayStation 4 could triple its sales over its current consoles: "We believe we can go further than a game console itself, which is our goal, and you can spend 400 millions and even reach 1,000 million consoles sold". On Xbox 360, Mehdi believes that over the next five years can reach the figure of 100 million units sold: "I think over the next five years we can break the barrier of 100 million installed base. That is something that we have proposed is not a financial plan, are only estimates of numbers ", explica.De those 25 million units would be sold, half replacement consoles come and half of new buyers. In order to hit that number will study new sales prices, offer more types of entertainment and open up new segments market.more news: One Xbox, PlayStation 4

The veteran producer Tales of RPG series, Hideo Baba, has come out against rumors that pointed to the existence of a special edition of the classic HD Tales of Symphonia and its sequel, ensuring that they do not work in Namco Bandai this alleged Perfect Edition. "To be honest ... I was last week in the Expomanga of Spain and everyone was enjoying the event. then heard that fans had heard rumors of a Tales of Symphonia: Perfect Edition" said Hideo Baba. "Actually, I was the first surprised him that! The fan who asked me if that was true to me that the tenth anniversary of the game in Japan this year, to which I replied that there might be something in celebration" , continúa.Sin however, continues the creative Japanese, this celebration would be "more of the style of a Tales of Coffee or a special event in NamcoCon ... but for now we have no plans, just ideas. can not say anything before do the ads, and always a little surprising when people ask us about rumors like that. would be better to just wait for new information. A rumor is just a rumor after all ", concluye.Más news: Namco Bandai

EA decided to "freeze" the Fight Night series to focus on UFC
Fight Night Round 4 EA Sports presented, along with the new Xbox One, his plans to bring a new installment of UFC to market later this año.Antes that EA did with the UFC license in early 2012, the company focused their efforts in the Fight Night series, a franchise now "frozen". "much of the original equipment Fight Night is part of the study commissioned to develop the new UFC," confirmed Andrew Wilson, head of EA Sports.Eso yes, the future seems assured for Fight Night: "I see future for Fight Night? sure. But now UFC is our priority in the fighting genre." The title will come bundled with the new graphics engine Ignite.La latest installment of Fight Night appeared in 2011 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.


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Well now that Cataclysm is here financial resources are much less difficult to get since it use to be. The product range professions permit you to come up with a lot of cash within a small amount of time. The cost of goods in the 1-80 articles is also larger while individuals need steel as well as herbal remedies pertaining to questing capabilities and do not want to farm previous areas. Should you accumulate or perhaps farm any kind of it is not difficult to achieve precious metal with a descent price. Every single repair that comes out in addition provides stuff you can craft, goods, brand new day-to-day adventures and such that could do/sell that can make an individual far more platinum.

Unless you arrive at degree Eighty-five the good thing I could advise for attaining precious metal is simply to perform every search you can while leveling as well as accumulate material or herbs. Blizzard created an insane volume of quests and they are usually rather basic and the precious metal rewards are really great. You will gain more than 1000 platinum just buy performing all the adventures when you degree. I wouldn't make the time although progressing to be effective upward expertise such as alchemy or developing, they may be a moment sink plus a funds destroy that is used elsewhere.

The rate you get precious metal will truly lose if you have war and peace flying attach and will search regarding herbal products or perhaps mining nodes in a very fast rate because of the brackets quick rate. I actually use my own install to find mining nodes, my very own these, blacksmith all of them into armour, send the crooks to end up being DE'd and then sell on the ingredients for the ah, or at least I use in order to right up until they nerfed in which :)

Play the ah. Gems, enchanting supplies, products, herbal products, materials, and more items get large ideals. Get acquainted with typical price ranges so when some thing can be bought minimal buy it and also re-sell for a little more. In case you are brave cash out a good group and attempt to power up the price; this really is something which burns up a person if you don't have in mind the industry and still provide products around consequently take care.

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The year progresses pertaining to goals

I think folks go away from understanding they've got thousands of HKs/KBs. Truly, using WoW's credit rating program, that they suggest nothing. You could come in from a person's final 10% yet still find credit for your eliminate. I don't accept precisely how that is anything rate-worthy.

Usually, The year progresses pertaining to goals, yet there is a several reasons why I don't occasionally.

A single. At times I just want to get entertaining. Yes, it doesn't usually assist however i only want to get on in order to kill individuals due to a stressful of the work day as well, however these times never appear frequently.

Two. My own assist may be more utilized to reduce the major gamers on the other staff, so they can not do just about anything. I will sluggish or cc fish tanks in WSG and also TP or even healers so they really can not a single thing but aid them selves.

Three. Any time our crew carries a confirmed victory which enable it to only have entertaining pinning individuals along as we acquire.

To get fair, powerful middle reputation within WSG is a good strategy. When the crew understands adequate for you to intercept the EFC to start with picture, then you are better off maintaining your entire wrongdoing within core. It doesn't only indicate using a jump around the EFC because he's wanting to corner core, yet you have got the upper turn in retaining the battle centered in order to mid, meaning a smaller amount of the enemy crew will be paying attention to your own FC.

While Now i'm running with a team mate above Skype, My spouse and i require 1 healer to follow us (My partner and i hole bring, my good friend helps) as well as the remaining portion of the crew in order to camp out middle. Except if the particular enemy group is effectively matched, that almost always calculates inside my like.

Attacking enemies from a distance or being up in their faces

Which is your choice: attacking foes from a long distance or being up in their confronts?
-That's a tricky one for me. I love being sneaky and one-shotting these with an arrow from a distance next looting their body. (Skyrim guide) but I also love going in and just messing goods up. I do not really have a new preference.

Are you the sneaky type or do you show pride ripping out and about internal organs as being a greeting straight away?
-I kind of responded this within the question over this one. I can't really have any preference. I enjoy both of them nevertheless I don't have a new preference.

Do you wish to be around the front traces with a shield or viewing over your group to keep them safe?
-Front outlines :)

Will you be progressing with a friend or mostly on your own? In case you are doing it with a friend, exactly what are they likely to level, or have they not decided however?
-On my own. Permanently alone :Ha(

Have you find out about classes in any way yet? If you do, what sticks out as intriguing to you? Maybe you have tried any kind of classes already?
-I've played for you to level Twenty-five on an Orc Defense Warrior. It is boring me personally to cry to be fairly honest with you. I've additionally played around around I think level 15 or 15 on an Underworld Frost Mage. That got monotonous pretty quickly. I didn't really like playing snow, maybe that is what it was. I'm more of a pyromaniac. I got in order to level Three on a Pandaren Monk but deleted the idea. Haha :G - I'm actually creating this thread because I'm bored of my figures. :/

Would you enjoy the folklore or account of Wow? Some lessons have a lot of easily-absorbed lore while some are a small "less detailed" in their historical past.