Summer Winter Paint
Questions is not stupid, do not ask is stupid.
Most beginners think the soft paint breaks quickly, while it is exactly the opposite, hard Paint breaks faster because they are brittle and thus is brittle, soft is more like a rubber ball.
Summer Paint is made for temperatures between 10-30 degrees. Somewhere in between is the optimum temperature. It is colder it will be hard to say too brittle and eventually breaks up pretty fast.
That you can equate with summer tires. Below a certain temperature of the rubber is too hard.
Paint is made for winter temperatures between -10 and 10 degrees. Among them it is sometime too brittle. Is it warmer now, it is softer (see Bouncing Ball), and breaks from bad to worse. Draxxus Frostbite can indeed sometimes a little in your hand. At 25-30 degree they are really like little rubber balls and go broke.
That you can compare now with winter tires in the summer. The mixture is too soft.
And the paint is not absorbed almost be equated with Reballs, ie rubber bullets, or holding stones.
On the question of merging or not:
when one freezes Paint (see youtube), the shell is brittle and can no longer play. Even with top set markers. Paint is not so hard but brittle in cold weather.
Winter Paint is therefore structured differently, the shell keeps other temperatures. It is less brittle in cold weather, but is less brittle in the heat.
I still have two weeks before my Toro Ice played a total ne crate. Flight behavior was good, the paint also was not much worse than the DXS Basic I've played it. So you can still play, but I would first verballern, so am if it was not cooked in the car.
RuneScapeis a game company, Jagdish Fox Game Studios massively multiplayer online role-playing game.